Above: Mr. S. Mohan, Deputy Director is handing over the key of new vehicle on 5th November 2014 in the presence of Mr. Rubert Jothi, Assistant Director, Department of Fisheries, Nagercoil Region to Mr. Romanse, the secretary, ADSGAF. Mr. Sam Micheal, Executive Member, Mr. Muthayyan, Treasurer, Mr. Shabu Arul, Admin and Accounts, ADSGAF, Mr. Thanu Moorthy, Kodai Automobiles and others are seen in the picture above.
The Association of Deep Sea Going Artisanal Fishermen (ADSGAF), purchased a new vehicle on 5th November 2014 under the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) Funded Project “Solar Powered Truck for the Transportation of Fresh Fish” through the Department of Fisheries, Government of Tamil Nadu. The objective of the Project is to undertake pilot-scale trials on the use of solar powered refrigerated system on a small commercial vehicle for transporting fresh fish.
Through this Project, the ADSGAF will try to demonstrate how the cost of transportation could be minimized and in the process also contribute to the reduction of carbon emission to the ambient environment. Large quantities of fresh fish were transported every day in the country and the demand has been increasing over the period, including the demand for refrigerated vehicles to transport fish in the best possible condition. Increasing cost of fuel and often restricted availability of quality ice is becoming a major problem, faced by both the fishermen and also the people who are engaged in the transportation business. If this Project is implemented successfully, the operational expenses of refrigerated transportation of fish will be reduced considerably and it will be a milestone in the utilization of solar energy in fisheries sector. Later the technology could also be replicated to other areas. The Project has been approved by the NFDB, based on a request sent to the Board by ADSGAF through the Department of Fisheries of the Government of Tamil Nadu. The BOBP-IGO is providing the advisory support to the Project.