NMCSI-7 was a success!

The NMCSI-7 was held at the Conference Hall of the Fishing Harbour Management Society, Paradip on 13 August 2015. Dr. Rita Jayasankar-CMFRI and Mr. Jneranjan, District Fisheries Officer-Department of Fisheries, Odisha were the main speakers of the day. More than 30 fishermen representatives from four unions also attended.


It was put on well. We would like to organize the two more meetings in West Bengal and Goa. Please stay alert for more planning for our next meetings.


New date: Invitation to NMCSI-7 at Paradip, Odisha on 13th August

Apologies for the delay in the date of the 7th National Mission Meeting on Conservation of Sharks-India (NMCSI-7); the new date has been fixed for 13th August 2015 at the Training Hall, Department of Fisheries, Paradip, Odisha.

We heartily request you to be with us for the programme from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for this important event. We are sure that your participation and involvement in the programme will create value to the final output.

Please contact us if you are interested in participating or for more information about the NMCSI.