UPDATE2: NMCSI – Goa is set for 11 Feb

Greetings from the Organizers of NMCSI

We are happy to invite you all to the 9th meeting of National Mission on Conservation of Sharks-India. The Meeting will be held on 11th February 2016, at the meeting Hall, Fishery Survey of India, Goa. Participants are requested to take care of their travel, food and other things on their own.

Time: 9.30 hours to 16.30 hours. This will be the last meeting on this series.

There will be another meeting to present the consolidated reports of all NINE Meetings. The date and other things are not yet finalized. It will be finalized and inform you all soon.

Kindly mark the date well in advance so that you will be able to plan for attending the meeting.

More details of the meeting will be advised later.

Update on upcoming NMCSI meetings

While we still have to complete two more meetings to round out all of our meetings in coastal states — one in West Bengal and one in Goa — we are also planing for the final meeting.

Previously it was planned to organize it at Delhi but due to several reasons, we are changing the location to Kanyakumari. As of now, the dates for the meeting are 27 and 28 of November 2015.

Kindly mark the dates and plan well in advance for attending the meeting.

Releasing the minutes and report of NMCSI-4

We have recently finalized the minutes and report of the fourth National Mission Meeting on Conservation of Sharks-India which was held in Mumbai. We are pleased to present it to you for your review.

Additional reports will be forthcoming. All reports are also added to this page.


More details for IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT Orientation Programme

This is a second announcement for our orientation programme for tomorrow. Kindly attend and encourage students and other interested people to attend the Project Orientation Programme on 19th Saturday September 2015 at Rotary Community Hall, Near Collector Office, Nagercoil. Time: 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM. A detailed list of Projects are given below and the attendees can select any of the projects from the list.

List of Projects


  1. Luminous Intensity study
  2. CC CAM monitoring system
  3. Magnified GPS Screen for Fishing Boat
  4. Design and cost estimation of Bio-toilet and Kitchen in fishing boat
  5. Designing of fuel tank and water tank for the boat
  6. Space Management of the boats
  7. System for creating and monitoring on-board Electronic logbook of Fishing crafts
  8. System for maintaining Electronic Register, Electronic Receipt and Payment
  9. Lighting System in the boat
  10. Man on-board Wearable Alert Mechanism


  11. Solar Powered Tricycle for fish vending women
  12. Solar Powered Reflectors
  13. Solar Powered Small Ice Making Unit
  14. Solar Powered Small Boat
  15. Solar Powered Mini Bus and Car
  16. Solar Powered Refrigeration for Fishing Boats
  17. Solar Power Charging Station/Solar Power Bank


  18. Image Processing and Identification of Banned Sharks and other Species
  19. Fish Marketing Intelligence System (F-MIS)
  20. System for maintenance of Field-based fishing Craft Registration system
  21. Fishery Information System (M-FIS)
  22. Making Value Added Products with Waste Materials

IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT Orientation planned

The IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT organizes a one day Orientation Programme, with the vision of encouraging Engineering Students and Faculties to involve with various small projects in Marine field.  It also aims to formulate small project teams by providing basic knowledge of the projects under the IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT. It will enable them to accomplish the expected outcome efficiently.

Students, faculties and other interested people are invited to attend the programme. Need based technical and other support will also be given to them, but preferences will be given to the IEEE Members.

Speakers will include:


Shri Satish Babu and Dr. Priestly SHan

Project Orientation to Engineering students and other interested people

Date / Time: 19th September 2015 at 10.30 AM to 4.30 PM

Venue: Rotary Community Hall, Near Collector Office, Nagercoil, Kanyakumary District

More program details will be released soon.