Many groups will come together at the end of this month to consult on boat design. We would like to make a safe boat, but with many inputs, we can surely make a smart boat.
For more info, contact:
- Mr. V. Romanse Secretary-ADSGAF, Mob: 9344410884, Email:
Prof: P. Lovelin Auguskani, (Treasurer- IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT, Mob: 9486413798, email: - Mr. Belgin P.Morais, Head-Boat Yard Division, SIFFS, Mob: 7558982220, email:
Prof. G. Gaswin Kastro Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Annai Vailankanni College of Engineering, Mob: 9597684743, email: - Er. Angelin Indra, Member-IEEE Artisanal Deep Sea Fishers SIGHT and Coordinator-Students, Mob: 9566141577, email:
- IEEE Madras Section, Room No. 3, ISTE Professional Centre, Gandhi Mandapam Road, Chennai – 600 025, Phone: +91 (044) 24423939