Final report of the third mission meeting on conservation of sharks

Attached is the final report and minutes of the third mission meeting held last month in Mangalore.

This contains the details of the meeting as well as several salient recommendations/suggestions/ideas that arose from participants. Please see the linked document for the full report as well as the suggestions listed below:

Report of the mission meeting

  1. Feasible conservation measures should be evolved and should be adopted for saving sharks-the health of our ocean.
  2. Data regarding sharks under viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous categories are needed as it is important for recommending shark conservation measures.
  3. Modern facilities and human resource may be provided to CMFRI for identifying and assimilating information on the three categories of sharks
  4. Special programmes should organize for Conservation organizations, environmentalists, medias to provide field level inputs on conservation of sharks.
  5. Encourage fisheries college students to take up shark conservation related projects as part of their course.
  6. The CMFRI should initiate field level projects to work with fishing community.
  7. ICT and expertise of IEEE could be tapped for conservation of sharks
  8. The Secretary, Government of India of the MoEF & CC will be the Chairperson for the National Mission on Conservation of Sharks-India
  9. Provide separate secretariat for NMCSI in the MoEF & CC, Delhi for the operation of shark conservation related activities at National level.
  10. The Secretaries of the Government of the respective states of the Department of Environment and Forests will be Chairpersons for the State Missions in each coastal states
  11. Provide separate secretariat in the particular Department for operation of shark conservation related activities at State level.
  12. The National Mission combined with the State Missions will be the major link between the Government and the community for shark conservation related activities.
  13. The present Core Team has to be strengthened
  14. There will be permanent members from the MoEF & CC, CMFRI, FSI, MPEDA, CITES, FAO etc other than the present members to the Core Team
  15. The fourth National Mission Meeting will be held at Goa and the responsibility for organizing the meeting is given to Advocate Jose Bilbin
  16. The fifth National Mission Meeting will be held at Andhra Pradesh and the responsibility for organizing the meeting is given to Mr. Arjalidasu
  17. Complete the Mission Meetings in rest of the states and submit the report in the month of August 2015

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